About Us
Message from Global CEO
My name is Satoru Kusano, I have been appointed to Global CEO of Archem Inc. as of August 1, 2022.
We had been contributing to our customers and society developments in the area of urethane, and this time we started our business as Archem Inc. which is dedicated to urethane business, aiming for further growth.
I am determined to work on our mission of “Challenge ourselves to maximize the possibilities of chemical materials, creating life-long comfort” with all employees with our purpose and vison “Bringing comfort to peoples' lives, everywhere”as the new Archem Inc. with the basis of our ability to suggest solutions for customers, technologies and the DNA to resolve problems as a team.
We aim for the number one urethane business in the world by contributing to customers and society needs further in the areas of car seat pads, urethane form materials/products and Precision Components for Printers and office automation industry , which have been our business. Meanwhile, the environment around the businesses are changing quickly, and I recognize it as our challenge for us whether we can grasp changing social requirement and respond to them as Archem Inc. We can make various places, such as home, offices and transportations, comfortable by pursuing urethane materials utilized by people in societies where comforts in living are considered to be important. Also, for the environmental issues that are becoming more serious around the world, responses in addition to reduction of wastes that we have been working on to address, for SDGs, carbon neutralization and consideration of the model of product recycling are our responsibility.
As the final note, we had been developing our business in the past with supports from customers and people involved, and coworkers who sincerely make efforts to resolve challenges. We will aim for resolving customers’ and social challenges more speedy, to be number 1 urethane business by strengthening the trusts we had built.
We hope you will be looking forward to the new Archem Inc. as we begin to move into a new stage.
Global CEO
Representative Director