

We evolve while addressing social issues and strive to create a sustainable future. We will fulfill our social responsibility and share the joy of growing together through cooperation with local communities and collaboration with stakeholders. In addition, we value our employees' welfare and career development and further improve the office atmosphere in the pursuit of their happiness and job satisfaction.

Materiality and 2024 targets

Enhance product safety and comfortability

Medium- and long-term ESG issues/targets

  • Eliminate serious product issues*

2024 targets

  • Continue to operate the approval system to allow or reject the production of new products
  • Further enhance quality by strengthening quality gates in development and production processes

*Number of legal violations, halt of customers’ production lines, and market complaints

Ensure occupational safety and health

Medium- and long-term ESG issues/targets

  • Eliminate work-related accidents (accidents accompanied by lost work time and more serious accidents)

2024 targets

  • Promote activities to spread our three declarations on safety and disaster prevention, on the environment, and on quality
  • Continue to promote activities to reduce risks related to safety, disaster prevention, and the environment by strengthening our internal audit system
  • Continue to hold meetings on global safety, disaster prevention, and the environment involving all workplaces in the Archem Group
  • Promote activities for the operation and continuous improvement of the safety, disaster prevention, and environmental activity guidelines

Responsible raw material procurement

Medium- and long-term ESG issues/targets

  • Eliminate problems through strengthening governance
  • Strengthen efforts to address social issues

2024 targets

  • Audit all new suppliers before using them
  • Make improvement plans and give instructions at every audit
  • Manage conflict mineral risks

Respect diverse ways of working

Medium- and long-term ESG issues/targets

  • Obtain the Kurumin and Eruboshi Certifications by the end of 2025

2024 targets

  • Promote the acquisition of the child-raising support company certification
  • Support the use of a short work time system for child-raising and caregiving

Strengthen employment and human development

Medium- and long-term ESG issues/targets

  • Build a training system by level and job type by 2025

2024 targets

  • Plan a training system by level and job type
  • Develop global human resources through exchange and collaboration among workplaces

Promote diversity, equity and inclusion

Medium- and long-term ESG issues/targets

  • Achieve a 3% ratio of female managers in Japanese workplaces
  • Maintain the employment of people with disabilities by implementing the fiscal year plan (achieve the statutory employment rate)
  • Increase the number of international employees every year by 2024

2024 targets

  • Career design, including female managers
  • Maintain the employment of people with disabilities by implementing the fiscal year plan
  • Train international employees

Our Achievements

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