

We are seriously tackling environmental challenges, such as global warming and climate change, and are devoted to our efforts to create a sustainable future. We not only reduce environmental impact by working on climate change and decarbonization but also have taken a step to build a circular economy as a new effort.

Materiality and 2024 targets

Action related to climate change and decarbonization

Medium- and long-term ESG issues/targets

  • Reduce CO2emissions during the production stage in Scope 1 and 2. Reduce CO2 emissions by 46% compared to 2013 by 2030 to contribute to a carbon-neutral society.
  • Promote CO2 emissions reduction in Scope 3.
  • Scope1:CO2 directly emitted from a company, such as emissions from its own factories
  • Scope2:CO2 emitted in association with energy, such as electricity, supplied by a third party and consumed by a company
  • Scope3:CO2 emitted in relation to third-party business activities, including logistics and sales, in our value chain

2024 targets

  • Check the progress of the 2024 action plan for Scope 1 and 2
  • Promote measures to achieve 2030 targets in Scope 1 and 2
  • Consider measures to reduce CO2 emissions in relation to third-party business activities, including logistics and sales, in a company’s value chain, in Scope 3

Build a circular economy

Medium- and long-term ESG issues/targets

  • Launch Biomass Mark-certified products in 2024
  • Use renewable raw materials for 1% of the total raw materials in 2025
  • Recycle all urethane waste cuttings by 2027
  • Maximize resource recycling by promoting research and development into chemical recycling

2024 targets

  • Promote the development of chemical recycling technology through collaboration with external partners
  • Promote the development of products using biopolyol

Introduction to the building of a circular economy

The Circular economy Archem that aims for

We have worked on not only material recycling to collect and reuse mechanically dissembled polyurethane foam but also chemical recycling to chemically dissemble polyurethane foam and reuse it as a raw material for chemical products. Our aim is to take the lead in realizing a sustainable environment and society in our industry.